One Month Old

May 1

I am one month old today! I definitely have my own personality. I know what I like and what I don't like.  I'm showing that I am laid back most of the time which is most like my dad but I do seem to have my mom's temper. If I'm hungry, I WANT MY BOTTLE AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!! 
Here are some things that my mom and dad have noticed about me:
* I have been sleeping through the night since I was 1 week old (mom and dad are very happy about that)
* If I want my plug, you better be very strong to get it old because I can really suction it in
* If I don't want my plug then there is no getting it in because I press my lips together and will not budge them
* I have been trying to hold my head up since I was in the hospital and mom calls me a bobble head
* I sleep like my dad with my head in odd positions that look uncomfortable and my mouth wide open
* I DO NOT like gripe water, mylicon drops are not quite as bad
* I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to eat; dad says just like my mom - I'm up to 4 ounces usually every 4 hours but sometimes I want to eat after just 2 hours
* I love to look around at lights or the tv
* If I'm not sleepy I want to sit up and I get mad if you lay me down where I can't really see anything
* I like my swing sometimes but it's hard for me to stay awake in that thing right now, it just puts me to sleep
* I smile while I'm sleeping and I scoot to the bottom of my bassinet
* I still wear newborn diapers and clothes but the clothes are getting a little snug
* I still have all of my hair that I had when I was born and it is getting a little longer and lighter
* I make lots of funny expressions with my mouth
* I'm starting to roll to my side
* I have found my hands and I like to move them around and every once in awhile I like to put my thumb in my mouth.
* I like to take a nap on my mom and dad's chest
* Baths are not that bad now, my favorite part is when they wash my hair and my face
* I'm starting to grab things like the shirt of whoever is holding me, my mom's hair and her necklace if she is wearing one
* I weigh 10 pounds 2 ounces

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