My Funny Faces

Everyone is starting to say that I like to make such funny faces.  I do like to look around and use my mouth to show expression and I'm starting to smile more when people look at me instead of just when I"m sleeping and having an awesome milk dream!!! Here are some pictures showing my different looks that I give.
This is my gripe water face...I don't really like that stuff at all.

Still trying to get the gripe water down.     

I'm full and content with a belly full of milk.

I'm pushing right here, you can probably guess what kind of face this is.

I'm thinking about smiling.....         

...then I did give mom a little smile. 
Right now I give most of my smiles to my dad.

I look like I'm trying to say something here.

I'm moving and grooving in this picture.

Mom and dad were watching Dancing with the Stars and this is my dancing pose.

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