My First Birthday That I Have Been To!!!

May 22

Today I went to my first birthday party! It was for a boy in my nursery Sunday School class from church, Hunter and he was turning 2 years old. They had lots of things to play with like blow-up slides and a bouncy house, but I was too little to go on them.  Plus I was too busy drinking my bottle and being walked around the party for everyone to look at me in my lady bug outfit (for some reason everybody says I'm just the cutest thing in that one, I think my mom will be sad when I out grow that one). It was a little hot because the party was outside under a shelter but lots of fun with cake, chips, and ice cream. I can't wait until I can actually eat some of that stuff that everybody says is so good.
Before we left for the party.

Hanging out at the party.

After we got home from the party, you can see I was wiped out.

Playing In My Pack & Play

My mom decided one day that she was going to put me in my pack and play so that she could get some house work done. Then she decided that she would put my ocean mat in the pack and play so that I could play with that and she wouldn't have to worry about Ella coming over to me while she cleaned. Dad saw her getting everything out and asked if we were planning to have a daycare at the house since she was getting so many things out, he's soooooo funny sometimes.  Well anyway, I really liked the whole thing and mom took some pictures and a video of me playing.  By the time that she took the video I had lost my plug, I had almost kicked my socks off and I had gotten the hicups.  All in all it was a good day - I had fun and she got her cleaning done.

Mother's Day

May 8

Today is Mother's Day and the first one for my mom. We had a very busy day. First we went to church where my mom was recognized for being a mom for the first time. Then we went to Mt. Airy to surprise grandma and have lunch with her, grandpa, Bradley, and Rebekah. It was fun to see the surprised look on grandma's face. I surprised mom with a card that she loved.

Me and Mom on our first Mother's Day together.

Me and Dad resting after such a long day.

My Funny Faces

Everyone is starting to say that I like to make such funny faces.  I do like to look around and use my mouth to show expression and I'm starting to smile more when people look at me instead of just when I"m sleeping and having an awesome milk dream!!! Here are some pictures showing my different looks that I give.
This is my gripe water face...I don't really like that stuff at all.

Still trying to get the gripe water down.     

I'm full and content with a belly full of milk.

I'm pushing right here, you can probably guess what kind of face this is.

I'm thinking about smiling.....         

...then I did give mom a little smile. 
Right now I give most of my smiles to my dad.

I look like I'm trying to say something here.

I'm moving and grooving in this picture.

Mom and dad were watching Dancing with the Stars and this is my dancing pose.

One Month Old

May 1

I am one month old today! I definitely have my own personality. I know what I like and what I don't like.  I'm showing that I am laid back most of the time which is most like my dad but I do seem to have my mom's temper. If I'm hungry, I WANT MY BOTTLE AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!! 
Here are some things that my mom and dad have noticed about me:
* I have been sleeping through the night since I was 1 week old (mom and dad are very happy about that)
* If I want my plug, you better be very strong to get it old because I can really suction it in
* If I don't want my plug then there is no getting it in because I press my lips together and will not budge them
* I have been trying to hold my head up since I was in the hospital and mom calls me a bobble head
* I sleep like my dad with my head in odd positions that look uncomfortable and my mouth wide open
* I DO NOT like gripe water, mylicon drops are not quite as bad
* I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to eat; dad says just like my mom - I'm up to 4 ounces usually every 4 hours but sometimes I want to eat after just 2 hours
* I love to look around at lights or the tv
* If I'm not sleepy I want to sit up and I get mad if you lay me down where I can't really see anything
* I like my swing sometimes but it's hard for me to stay awake in that thing right now, it just puts me to sleep
* I smile while I'm sleeping and I scoot to the bottom of my bassinet
* I still wear newborn diapers and clothes but the clothes are getting a little snug
* I still have all of my hair that I had when I was born and it is getting a little longer and lighter
* I make lots of funny expressions with my mouth
* I'm starting to roll to my side
* I have found my hands and I like to move them around and every once in awhile I like to put my thumb in my mouth.
* I like to take a nap on my mom and dad's chest
* Baths are not that bad now, my favorite part is when they wash my hair and my face
* I'm starting to grab things like the shirt of whoever is holding me, my mom's hair and her necklace if she is wearing one
* I weigh 10 pounds 2 ounces