Dad's Surprise Party

July 9

Today we surprised my dad with a surprise party for his 30th birthday.  My mom had been planning this for months and she got my dad really good, he had no idea that we were going to do the party.  Everybody had a great time - we grilled out, listened to music on the karaoke machine (nobody sang), we went swimming, the guys played some game throwing a football and jumping in the water, and I fell asleep in grandma's arms when I got tired of floating around in the pool.
Dad's cupcakes and balloon.

Everybody yelling surprise at my dad.

My dad walking into his surprise party.

Dad putting on his silly stuff to celebrate.

Brayden playing with the beach ball.

Grandma holding me and talking to mawmaw.

Brayden in the pool.

Dad catching the football to throw to Zach as he jumped in the pool.

4th of July

July 4

Today is Independence Day and my dad's birthday!!!! He had the day off since it was a holiday and we really had a big day.  We did start it off by sleeping in which was nice. We went to lunch to celebrate his birthday too.  His favorite place to go is TJ's but their not open on his birthday so we went to Chili's which is another one of his favorite places.  I hear that this birthday is a big one. When we got there mawmaw, pawpaw, Aunt Kristy, Uncle Kent, and Jordan were already there.  At the table there was a balloon with a big 30 on it and a bunch of other stuff for my dad to put on and look silly.  After lunch we went home and took a nap.  Later in the afternoon we got ready and went to our church to see fireworks.  At first they were not that bad, I really liked looking at the bright lights up in the sky.  Then they seemed to get louder and it was lasting for a long time and that started to scare me.  I started crying and my mom took me inside the church.  The best part was that we could still see the lights but I couldn't hear the loud boom that they were making.  When they were done it was time to go home and go to bed.  My first 4th of July was great and I hope dad had a wonderful birthday!
Dad with his balloon.

Dad with all of his silly stuff.

Dad and me with our 4th of July hats.

Watching fireworks

Me in my 4th of July outfit.

Brayden in his 4th of July outfit.

Thanks for the 4th of July outfits mawmaw.

Me playing with a balloon.

Brayden playing with a balloon.

I'm 3 Months Old

July 1

I am 3 months old today. Great news for me was that I didn't have to go to the doctor to get anymore shots at this birthday, but I hear that I will have to at my next month.  My mom and me had lots of fun today - she had an appointment to get her hair cut so I went with her and then we had lunch with her friend Jess.  In the afternoon we took a nap while we waited for my dad to get home from work.  For dinner we went to Little Richards with mawmaw and pawpaw, I'm sure that I have told you that we go there a lot.  While we were there they told people that today was my 3 month old birthday.  I guess they think that is a big deal because my dad did something that I thought was soooo great, he dipped my plug in his Dr. Pepper and I liked it a lot!!! I just couldn't get enough of that stuff, but he didn't give me very much.  When we left there we all went to Baskin Robbins and had ice cream.  My dad got mint chocolate chip and my mom got a small spoon to give me a small bite.  It was my first time with a spoon so I wasn't quite sure what to do but I didn't really like the ice cream anyway, it was just too cold for me.  They keep telling me that I will like it someday so we'll see.  After that we went home and it was time for a bath and bed.
Here are some things that I can do now that I'm 3 months old:
* I can sit up for longer periods of time, still with help from someone.
* I can stand for about a minute with help from someone.
* I'm starting to recognize other people besides my mom and dad.
* I like to smile when people talk to me.
* I kick my legs and move my arms all the time when I'm awake.
* I rolled over one time from my tummy to my back.
* I'm starting to reach and grab for things now.
* I love to have my woobee with me when I'm in the car.
* I'm officially in size 1 diapers
* My hair is getting longer and lighter.
* I'm wearing mostly 3 months clothes, some of my 0-3 months still fit, some of my 3-6 months fit but are a little big, none of my newborn clothes fit anymore.
* I can hold my head up more without bobbing it around as much.
* I can lay on my tummy and hold my head up but I get mad when I try to push off with my feet and I can't get anywhere.
* I recognize my bottle now.
* I'm starting to hold my bottle when I drink it. I can't hold it up completely on my own yet.

I'm starting to hold my bottle.

Standing up with the help of my mom.

My dad holding me.

At lunch with Jess.

I thought something was really funny!

I've Started Getting Vocal

I just started really letting everybody know that I was around.  I have found that I have a voice and I like it!  Earlier my grandma was talking to me and I started talking back to her and laughing and giggling.  I like to talk to the tv too when it's on, I get such a kick out of it that I just crack myself up sometimes.  Here's a video that my mom took when mawmaw was trying to get me to talk to her.

My First Visit To Aunt Kelly's House

June 28 - 29

Mawmaw, my mom, and me went to visit Aunt Kelly and Brayden for a couple of days.  She had to go back to school soon so we went to visit them since she had some time off and mawmaw did too.  We did lots of different things - Brayden and I played on the floor, had some bottles, took some naps, we all took a walk in the neighborhood, and we went to the pool.  Aunt Kelly's poor rug took a beating between Brayden and me.  He spit it up on it a couple of times and I peed on it while my mom was getting me ready for the pool.  She was trying to figure out where the front of my swimming diaper was and I just couldn't hold it anymore (since she hasn't taught me about that yet) and I thought it was so funny, I started smiling and then everybody else started laughing.  My poor mom felt so bad that I had done that but Aunt Kelly said it was ok (she's so nice to me!)  Finally we were all ready to head to the pool.  We took our strollers and floats and we were on our way. It was so hot so as soon as we got there my mom and Aunt Kelly got mine and Brayden's floats and we got in.  We both liked the water and we were kicking our legs.  There were other kids in the pool, they were a lot older than us, and they were jumping in and making the water have waves and it moved our floats around a lot.  I got tired of the water so mawmaw held me and I took a nap while Brayden continued to play. The grown-ups said that we had been at the pool long enough and they were getting hungry so we changed and headed back to Aunt Kelly's house for lunch.  After everybody ate Brayden and I took a nap (I think some other people did too).  We had to head back to Winston since mawmaw had some doctor appointments to go to. We had a great time and thanks to Aunt Kelly for inviting us down.
Brayden let me play in his exerciser and I liked it!

We were playing on the floor before going to the pool while we waited for everybody to get ready.

We're ready for the pool!

I was getting sleepy sitting in Brayden's bumbo seat.

My Dad's First Father's Day

June 19

Today is Father's Day and the first one for my dad.  We spent most of the day coming back from our family vacation and I spent most of it sleeping in the car.  I gave dad a card to show him how much I loved him and how much he meant to me.  He also got to do one of the things he loves to do and is really good at - play golf.  I had a great day with my mom and dad.
I love when my dad holds me like this.

The new dads with the new babies.

My First Vacation

June 16 - 19

I went on my first family vacation with my mom and dad. My mom made lists of everything to pack.  It was the first time that we had ever went anywhere over night so she was trying to make sure that she had everything that we would all need.  Dad did a great job getting everything in the car too. We went to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (the third state I've been to) to visit with my dad's family.  I didn't mind the ride there because I slept most of the time.  Right before we got to the cabin I did get a little hungry so my mom gave me a bottle and I was good to go from there.  There were so many people there and half of them I had never seen before.  Everybody stayed in a big cabin together. Brayden and me were the youngest ones there so we had lots of time to play together and nap.  We did lots of different things - ate together at the cabin and at some restaurants, played, napped, shopped, and took lots of pictures.  It was nice to see the whole family and get together for a couple of days. 

Dad's Uncle Steve, Dad's Aunt Susan, Mawmaw Deck, Mawmaw, Pawpaw

Mawmaw Deck with her grandkids

Mawmaw Deck with her great-grandkids


Mawmaw Deck with her grandkids and great-grandkids

Dad, Mawmaw Deck, Me, Mom

Aunt Susan, Mawmaw Deck, Mawmaw

Dad's cousin Jaime, Mike, Kyleigh, Karson

Aunt Kristy, Uncle Kent, Mawmaw Deck, Jordan

Pawpaw and Mawmaw

Pawpaw and Mawmaw with their grandkids

Uncle Brandon, Mawmaw Deck, Brayden, Aunt Kelly

Dad, Me, Mom

Dad's cousin Jason, Mawmaw Deck, Melissa

Mawmaw Deck with her granddaughters

Mawmaw Deck with her grandsons

All the ladies on the trip

Mawmaw Deck with all the guys on the trip

Kyleigh holding me while I'm napping

My First Time At Bible School

June 12 - 15

This week we had vacation bible school at church and I was the youngest one there to attend.  Mom and Morgan was teaching a class and dad was playing Jesus in the skits that they had each night to tell a bible story.  I looked around most of the time while mom ate dinner before everything got started.  Lots of different ladies wanted to hold me before I went into the nursery.  The ladies that kept in the nursery wanted to keep socks on my feet but I didn't like it at all, I kept kicking them off when they put the on.

On My Way to Bible School

My First Visit To School

June 13

Today my mom and I went to her school to have an end of year party with her class.  They had pizza, chips, juice, and ice cream - I had a nice bottle of milk.  Her students were so excited to see her and me.  They made us all kinds of posters and cards.  There were so many of them that they would hardly fit in the stoller to carry to the car.  I didn't know what to think when all of those kids came up to see me but they were all very nice telling me that I was so cute.

Mom's Birthday

June 7

Today was mom's birthday and we spent the whole day together.  Dad had to work but when he got home we took her out to eat at one of her favorite places - Chili's.  I was so good while they were eating - I slept the whole time and even when they came and sang to mom.  I hear that we kept it low key since she is having a big one next year.