My First Easter

April 24

Today was a very big day, it was my first Easter. I dressed up in my coming home outfit that Mawmaw Deck gave to me and we were off to church. Mawmaw, Pawpaw, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Brandon, and Brayden met us at church after we got out of Sunday School. It was a very nice service and after it was over we took some pictures. Then we headed home to get more pictures and start fixing lunch for everyone. My Aunt Kristy, Uncle Kent, and Jordan came over too. Mawmaw gave me and Brayden a card, a new toy, and an Easter basket with a book and eggs in it. Of course there were more pictures too. They also took pictures of me and Brayden to compare our size now. I think everyone had a wonderful day.

My First Bath

April 20

Well my umbilicol cord came off and now I can I have a bath!!! That is exactly what my mom and dad did to me today - they gave me a bath and it was definitely not my favorite thing to do. I was at mawmaw's house when my cord came off. Mawmaw was changing my diaper and when she finished my cord just came off. She laid it on her table that she keeps her computer on and asked pawpaw to get a plastic bag to put it in. He was taking so long and we could hear him making noises in the kitchen (he was trying to find something to pick it up with). He came in the living with the bag and a clothes pin. He picked the cord up with the clothes pin and dropped it all in the bag. Pawpaw really got a good laugh out of it. A little later mom and dad gave me a bath and it just was not that exciting.  Mom was really excited to give me a bath and really wanted me to like but I just didn't. I was hungry and just wanted a bottle (which is what I want most of the time). I had this look of confusion on my face most of the time and dad was telling me that everything was going to be fine and over with soon and he was right. Right after mom put lotion all of over me, gave me a bottle, and put me to bed. I think I will have to get used to this bath thing because I heard them saying something about a plan for the next time.

Second Doctor's Visit

April 15

Today was my second trip to the doctor and I have gained more weight - I am up to 8 lbs 8.5 oz. I did fuss a little bit because I was getting hungry while we waited for the doctor. He said that everything looked and sounded great with me. He was surprised that I have not lost any weight and to hear that I have been sleeping through the night since last Saturday. He said most babies don't do that at this point. Mawmaw just says that God knew to give mom and dad a baby that would sleep through the night because they really needed their sleep. I think I just take after them when it comes to my sleep since I do sleep like my dad with my mouth wide open. The doctor said I don't have to come back until I'm two months old unless something comes up and I need to come in. I will have to get my shots at that visit and I don't think my mom is going to look forward to that visit at all.

My First Visit To Church

April 10

This morning mom and dad were really rushing around trying to get ready and then interrupting my sleep to get me ready. Mom was trying to find the cutest outfit for church. They really worked together to get me ready. They didn't get to have their usual Sunday morning pancakes since they had to do more this Sunday morning. I heard mom and dad say that we left the house at the time they usually leave so we were not going to be late even though they had more to get ready this morning, they were really proud of themselves. When we walked into Sunday School everyone was surprised to see us, they were not sure if mom would feel like coming but she really doesn't like to stay in the house very much. They were so proud of me because I did such a good job during Sunday School and the service. I slept most of the time but I did manage to look around just a little bit. There were so many people coming up to us and looking at me and congratulating my mom and dad.

First Trip Out of State

April 9

Today was a very eventful day for me - I did sleep through most of it though. Mawmaw Deck got my great-aunt Thelma to do her hair before she goes back to Memphis and her beauty shop is in Galax, VA. I rode with mom, mawmaw, grandma, and mawmaw Deck. I slept the whole way there, most of the time we were there, and the whole way back; but we had a really good time.

Newborn Pictures

April 7

Today I went to have my newborn pictures taken with my mom, mawmaw, and aunt Kelly. I slept through most of it which is exactly what they wanted me to do, they said it made for really good pictures at this point in my life. My photographer, Angie, had so many different ideas to do and mom was really excited about them all. Half way through the time we were there I did get a little fussy because I was getting hungry and cold with nothing on! Mom fed me and we finished. Mom already knows which will be her favorite - she says the one that Angie said no one else has done before. I did look like I was posing but really mom and mawmaw was helping hold my hands up, you just couldn't see them:)

My First Doctor's Visit

April 6

Today was my first visit to the doctor's office. I've seen the doctor but just in the hospital. I did a great job - no fussing or crying. I have gained 3 oz. and now I weigh 8 lbs 5.5 oz. The doctor said that I was doing great and he would see me next week when I'm 2 weeks old.