I'm 6 Months Old!!

October 1

I'm 6 months old now - half a year old!!!  I had to get shots this time and they were not fun at all.  But I did like the paper on the doctor bed.  It made a cool sound and I could rip it when I pulled on it.  When the doctor came in to talk to us, my mom took me off the bed and I couldn't reach the paper; oh it made me so mad.  Then the doctor gave me some tongue depressors to play with and they were fun for a little while. Then it happened, they came in to give me my shots and it hurt like I don't know what.  I screamed and cried and my mom heard the nurse tell another nurse outside that she had never had one cry that hard or loud.  My mom had to sing the Monday Night Football theme song to get my mind off the pain.  My mom also felt my bottom gums and felt two teeth coming in.  That explained to them why I was being a little cranky.  The doctor said that my top gums where swollen too.  Here are some things that I can do at 6 months old:

* I can roll over from my back to my stomach.
* I can give myself my bottle.
* I can sit up by myself.
* I love fruit and the best is when my mom and dad give me a frozen slice of apple to chew on.
* I weigh 17 lbs 9 oz and I'm in the 81st percentile.
* My head circumference is 17.13 inches and I'm in the 80th percentile.
* My length is 26.5 inches and I'm in the 78th percentile.
* I take a bath in the big girl tub now and love to splash around.

I'm 6 months old with my heart beat bear.

I'm drinking out of my sippy cup.

Playing at the doctor.'s office

The mess I made at the doctor's office.

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