I'm 2 Months Old!!!!!

May 2

Yesterday I turned 2 months old and today I went to the doctor for my two month check-up and to get my shots.  My dad couldn't get off of work to go with us so it was me, my mom, and mawmaw.  The doctor checked me out and said I looked great and everything sounded great when she listened to my heart and lungs.  She also laid me on my tummy to see how I did and she was very impressed at how good I could hold up my head and how I was starting to scoot.  She told my mom that I could start doing lots of tummy time.  The nurse was really nice too, she had a hard time getting my weight because I just wanted to wiggle around on the scale and numbers wouldn't stop jumping around, but they finally stopped on 11 lbs 4.8 oz.  She made my mom sit down in the chair when she gave me my shots since she gets kind of nervous about needles.  I didn't like them and I cried but when they handed me to my mom I stopped crying and saw that it was all over.  It wasn't all that bad though, I liked the stuff she squirted in my mouth.  Mawmaw Deck says that she cannot believe how much I have done for being 2 months old.  My mom and dad think I'm pretty accomplished for my age too, here are some of the things I can and have done now...
* My head doesn't bobble around as much.
* I like to lay on my tummy and hold my head up.
* I can recognize my mom and dad.
* I'm starting to smile at different people now.
* I'm starting to make loud noises and it sounds like I'm laughing sometimes.
* I'm drinking 5 oz now, sometimes I drink my whole bottle and an hour later I want another 5 oz. But then I can go 11 hours through the night without waking up.
* I'm sleeping through the night until around 8:00 or 8:30.
* My favorite thing right now is my swing then my play mat.
* I love to look around at everything and I'm afraid that I'm going to miss something.
* I love to lay on my mom or dad's chest to fall asleep for a nap.
* I can only wear a few of my newborn outfits but I'm mostly in 0-3 months and a couple of 3 month outfits that are on the smaller side.
* I'm still wearing newborn diapers but size 1 at night because it can hold more since I sleep through the night. I really need something in between these sizes because newborn looks like they are almost too small and size 1 looks a little big.
* My height - 22.75 inches (67% percentile for others my age)
* My weight - 11 lb 4.8 oz (64% percentile for others my age)
* My head circumference - 15.125 in (43% percentile for others my age)
* The shots that I got were...DTP/aP, Hib, PneumoConjugat, Polio, Rotavirus, and my second round of HepB.
Before I got my shots.

After I got my shots.

Showing off my band aids.

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